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We might be in the midst of a balmy autumn, but winter is coming and that means planting and revegetation season for your property, says Nature Conservation Margaret River Region.

And whether you have a suburban garden or a rural property, the conservation groups there is always room for more native plants.  The diversity in the flora on your property will have a direct correlation to diversity in your fauna, whether that is a new shrub for beautiful wrens to perch on whilst they hunt or ground covers that act as a shelter for beneficial insects and skinks. Now is the time to start planning for winter projects.

“The winter months are the ideal time to be planting native seedlings, shrubs and trees so they can get established while there is plenty of moisture in the ground,” says Nature Conservation’s Bush Regeneration Team coordinator Declan McGill.

“Now is great time to start planning and preparing, because it’s not always as easy as throwing some plants in the ground. It’s worth developing a plan which considers factors like site preparation, plant selection, how you’re going to protect plants from predators and weather, plus follow-up weeding and watering through the dry months for the first year or two until they are established.”

For landholders with large properties or those short on time, Nature Conservation’s Bush Regeneration Team can be contracted to carry out work such as planting as well as assisting with species selection and planning. Mr McGill said the team’s 2024 calendar was filling up fast and he urged local landholders who wanted conservation work done on their properties to get in touch.

“Now is also the time to be thinking about identifying and tackling woody weeds like Sweet Pittosporum or Sydney Golden Wattle, which should be controlled this season to prevent another year of seedlings,” he said.

“If you can’t carry out the work yourself, we specialise in environmentally sensitive weed control, and we’ve got a wealth of experience dealing with sensitive ecological communities. The ethics of land care are at the core of what we do, with the goal of more ecological diversity and bringing back natives. Plus, as a not-for-profit organisation, all profits from hiring the Bush Regeneration Team go directly back into funding Nature Conservation’s work to protect our environment across the Margaret River Region.”

Nature Conservation general manager Drew McKenzie said the conservation group also employs a biodiversity officer who can visit your property to carry out a biodiversity assessment, survey flora and fauna, assess any threats, and create a multi-year plan to improve the biodiversity of the property.

To find out more or hire Nature Conservation’s Bush Regeneration Team, email