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Locals and visitors can enjoy a pint and help save our endangered cockatoos thanks to a collaboration between Nature Conservation Margaret River Region and Margaret River Brewhouse.

Margaret River Brewhouse is donating $1 from every pint of Ruckus – their popular raspberry pepper sour, which is available on tap now – to Nature Conservation’s Our Patch program where the funds will be used to build nesting boxes.

As part of Our Patch, local primary school students learn about black cockatoos from scientists and experts. Then, they play an active role in the birds’ conservation by learning how to build, install and monitor nest boxes in local bushland. Nature Conservation’s Our Patch officer Peta Lierich said our three species of majestic black cockatoos in the South-West – the Carnaby’s, Baudin’s and Forest Red-tailed cockatoos – are “in real trouble”.

“If we do nothing, we could lose all three species of these birds within two decades,” she said. “That’s why we’ve teamed up with the Brewhouse to raise awareness about the plight of these intelligent and beautiful birds.”

The collaboration will support local primary schools to build, install and monitor nest boxes. “Normally cockatoos would nest in tree hollows, but because we’ve lost so many mature trees in the South-West nesting boxes can provide critical nesting sites for these threatened birds,” Peta says. “These activities can have far-reaching engagement with the local community and inspire the next generation to feel they can have a real-world impact.”

As well as donating $1 from every pint of Rukus sold, the Brewhouse will also display information on the plight of our cockatoos, help raise awareness about the threats faced by the birds, and help patrons learn more about these unique animals.

Brewhouse co-owner Iliya Hastings said: “We’re really excited about teaming up with Nature Conservation for their vital work in our community. It’s fantastic to see our local kids getting educated about conserving our unique biodiversity. Our team looks forward to helping raise awareness around the plight of the cockatoos and what our community can do to really make a difference.”