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Waatu Kaatijin to return in 2024

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s hugely successful new marine education program is set to return next year after securing funding for 2024 – with local kids to be the big winners. The Waatu Kaatijin or “ocean learning” program was rolled out at the...

Caring for the Margaret River continues

The next free event is just around the corner in Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s exciting new initiative aimed at inspiring locals to cherish and care for the Margaret River. The Friends of Wooditjup Bilya (Margaret River) program features a guided...

Winning the war on arum lilies

Monitoring results have shown an incredible success rate for arum lily control – giving new hope to landholders who are controlling infestations on their properties. Staff from Nature Conservation Margaret River Region and volunteers have been studying a control site...

Bins, not beaches for dog poo

Dog poo has a massive impact on our coastal environment – and Margaret River Primary School students have launched a campaign to congratulate people doing the right thing and ensure everyone picks up after their pets. As part of a new educational marine program called...

Victorian Teatree on woody weed hit list

Victorian Teatree is the latest problem weed tree that being targeted now in Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s Woody Weeds Campaign. The worst weedy trees in the region are in the firing line as part of the two-year campaign, with everyone from suburban...