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Artist fights arum lilies

Artist fights arum lilies

Leon Pericles is one of the most visited artists during Margaret River Open Studios, but this year he is using his high profile to campaign for Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s Arum Lily Blitz. A prolific printmaker, painter and sculptor whose celebrated...
Wattles and wine combine

Wattles and wine combine

Weedy wattles and wine will combine at Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s latest free community event aimed at helping locals identify and remove our worst weed trees. Nature Conservation is teaming up with Goanna Bush Cafe and Happs Wines in the fight...
Caring for dunes at Gas Bay

Caring for dunes at Gas Bay

These before and after shots show how Gas Bay has got its mojo back, says Nature Conservation Margaret River Region. Gas Bay is well known for its pumping beach-break waves and sweeping coastline looking south towards Boodjidup, and Gas Point is the perfect spot to...