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Grants totalling $60,000 are available for Margaret River region landowners to carry out conservation work on their property this year.

The work can include weed control, fencing of remnant bushland and waterways to exclude stock, revegetation to restore biodiversity, and dieback management. To apply, CLICK HERE to download the expression of interest form.

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region is behind the initiative, which is available through the group’s For Nature Landowner Stewardship Program, designed to inspire, educate and assist local residents to boost the conservation value of their garden, property and surrounding bushland. Landowners can apply for grants on a 50 per cent cost-share basis, matching the grant money dollar for dollar with cash or their own labour.

Now in its second year, the grants program began in 2021 when NCMRR shared out $30,000 among 37 land holders, achieving some fantastic results. Among them were Kevin and Elaine Bancroft, who own a 6.3ha Treeton property with remnant bushland and a tributary of the Carbanup River. They received assistance for weed control of kikuyu and invasive species, followed by riparian planting across 3ha to maintain a healthy, biodiverse habitat. Since the work was done they’ve already noticed an increase in wildlife and even spotted a western quoll or chuditch, our largest native carnivore.

“It was a very simple process to apply and the feeling of joyful possibilities when we were approved for it was overwhelming. The desire to leave a legacy for all living things motivates us as caretakers of this spectacular landscape,” Mrs Bancroft said.

For Nature program officer Peta Lierich said, with about 70% of land in the Margaret River region privately owned, local residents are vital to help protect biodiversity. “Land stewardship is about upholding our responsibility to care for the land around us in a way that preserves all its values, whether they are environmental, economic, or cultural,” she said. “When it comes to private land, we often focus only on economic value, with environmental values coming second. Fortunately, we don’t need to make large sacrifices to bring better balance to how we manage the land and the property we own.

“The For Nature Landowner Stewardship Program supports private landowners who want to maintain the unique environmental values of their property, like wildlife habitat, sensitive natural areas, or rare species. Participants benefit from the trained expertise of NCMRR staff, who provide support, financial assistance, and guidance to help them toward this goal.”

As part of the program, cost-sharing arrangements are also available to carry out biodiversity assessments and plans. The plans are designed to help landowners understand the values, threats and conservation management activities needed on their properties.

The For Nature Landowner Stewardship Program is proudly supported by funding from the West Australian Government’s State Natural Resources Management Program, the Water Corporation and the Shire of Augusta Margaret River. Register with the For Nature program HERE.