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Marine theme for Environmental Sundowner

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s Environmental Sundowner Series is returning on February 13 with an evening at the Margaret River HEART that puts the spotlight on our local marine environment. Beyond The Waves: Margaret River’s Unique Marine Environment...

Grant win to boost conservation

In a big boost for nature and our environment, the region’s peak conservation group has been awarded a Lotterywest grant that will allow it to have an even greater impact in 2024. Nature Conservation Margaret River Region this week announced it was successful with a...

Arum Lily Blitz most successful yet

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s Arum Lily Blitz has come to an end for the year and 2023 has gone down as the most successful yet, with major inroads made into fighting our region’s worst invasive weed. The 2023 blitz kicked some major goals including...

Award win for Nature Conservation

The Margaret River Region’s peak environment group has won a prestigious conservation award against a field from across Western Australia. Nature Conservation Margaret River Region was awarded the Len Howard Community Group Award for 2023 at the annual Conservation...

Striking back at weedy Blackwood

IT’S a tree that most of us wouldn’t recognise – but Nature Conservation Margaret River Region says Blackwood is a weedy wattle that should be removed from gardens and bush blocks because it’s such a big threat to biodiversity and harder than most to control. As...

Diving deep into nature at Bioblitz

More than 200 students from across the region descended on Mokidup or the Ellensbrook Homestead site for a huge day of environmental education, celebrating our wonderful waterways and their fantastic fauna.  The Year 3 kids, from 11 classes spanning six local schools,...