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Residents cleaning up broom bush

Residents cleaning up broom bush

Local resident and weed warrior Rachel Pearce is on a mission to clean up invasive broom from her property at Kilcarnup to stop it spreading into bushland. And she’s just one example of local landholders who taking the fight to invasive weed trees as part of Nature...
Vollies needed for biggest beach clean-up

Vollies needed for biggest beach clean-up

An army of volunteers is being recruited for what is tipped to be the Margaret River region’s biggest beach clean-up. From October 11-14, volunteers from the Capes region will join Tangaroa Blue Foundation and Nature Conservation Margaret River Region to clean-up the...
Young champions protecting Our Patch

Young champions protecting Our Patch

The incredible and inspiring actions of local students to protect our environment were on show at the annual Our Patch celebration at the Margaret River Heart today. Our Patch is one of the youth education programs run by Nature Conservation Margaret River Region, and...
Become a turtle tracker!

Become a turtle tracker!

Attention all freshwater turtle lovers – our native turtle population is at threat and needs your help! The Shire of Augusta Margaret River and Nature Conservation Margaret River Region are proud partners of the Murdoch University and South West Metropolitan...
Planting protects native turtles

Planting protects native turtles

Students from Margaret River Primary School are planting hundreds of native plants and revegetating a section of the river near the Barrett Street Weir as part of a mission to protect our native snake-neck turtles. The Year 6 students joined Nature Conservation...