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Nature the antidote to eco-anxiety

Nature the antidote to eco-anxiety

These local students aren’t just planting natives to care for our environment – they’re also getting their hands dirty in the name of mental health and fighting a growing trend of “eco-anxiety”. Nature Conservation Margaret River Region says, in a world where the...
Caring for dunes at Gas Bay

Caring for dunes at Gas Bay

These before and after shots show how Gas Bay has got its mojo back, says Nature Conservation Margaret River Region. Gas Bay is well known for its pumping beach-break waves and sweeping coastline looking south towards Boodjidup, and Gas Point is the perfect spot to...
Locals learning about Wooditjup Bilya

Locals learning about Wooditjup Bilya

Locals can learn more about the Margaret River’s unique fauna and fish from a leading river researcher at the next Friends of Wooditjup Bilya event hosted by Nature Conservation Margaret River Region. Associate Professor Stephen Beatty, the deputy director of the...
River restorers in action

River restorers in action

Nature Conservation’s latest fully booked Friends of Wooditjup Bilya event was a huge success as keen locals aged from their teens to their 80s learned how to become river restorers.  The latest Friends event featured a guided tour of river restorer Ray Swarts’...
Wooditjup Bilya planting day returns

Wooditjup Bilya planting day returns

Locals have an incredible opportunity to learn from an all-star cast of cultural and conservation experts at Nature Conservation’s biggest community volunteer planting day of the year in less than a fortnight. “This is the big one! We need all hands-on deck from our...