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Packed workshops to combat weeds

Dozens of locals, visitors, families and kids attended a weekend of free workshops to help create an art installation made from hundreds of recycled plastic bottles that will be installed in local bushland. Titled “Insidious”, the installation is designed to boost...

Free art workshops to combat weeds

Free tickets are still available to a series of art workshops this weekend as part of an ambitious project that will see a giant creeping “weed” made from hundreds of recycled plastic bottles installed in local bushland. Titled “Insidious”, the installation is...

Our Patch kids connect, respect and act

Saving a critically endangered frog, reducing the impacts of pets and replanting habitat for native bandicoots are just a few of the incredible ways Margaret River region students are connecting, respecting and acting for the environment. And their hard work was on...

Planting efforts boost forest understory

Just a few years ago this section of the Margaret River foreshore was just grass and weeds – but thanks to local school students it is now packed with native plants and becoming a forest with habitat for wildlife. It’s just one of several sites that local students...

Our kids protecting bush and biodiversity

The incredible work of school students protecting nature and biodiversity across the Margaret River region will be on display this week at Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s annual Our Patch presentation. Our Patch involves more than 200 Year 6 students from...

Undersea app to boost coast conservation

They might only be 10 years old but these citizen scientist students from Margaret River Primary School are working on a new app to help beach-goers identify hundreds of species of marine plants and animals. This week the Year 5 class explored Prevelly’s Back Beach,...