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Nature Conservation Margaret River Region has thanked several staff members – who are either retiring or pursuing new opportunities – for their incredible efforts contributing to the region’s environment.

That includes long-serving staff members Genevieve Hanran-Smith, Tracey Muir and Fran Dohring. But an exciting new pool of talent has been recruited to fill their big shoes, as well as bring new skills to the region’s peak conservation group.

Arum lily workshop

Arum Lily Blitz coordinator Genevieve Hanran-Smith is stepping down from her role

Genevieve Hanran-Smith has retired as coordinator of the Arum Lily Blitz – Nature Conservation’s landmark program to support landholders, groups and government agencies to control the invasive weed species. Genevieve has served for many years at Nature Conservation and her contribution to the organisation and the local environment has been enormous, particularly for spearheading the war on arum lilies and for her many contributions to conserving the Margaret River. She remains a committed at Nature Conservation volunteer and will continue to support the Blitz.

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region staff bios

Ben Howell joins the Arum Lily Blitz team

Biodiversity officer Obelia Walker – who worked alongside Genevieve in the arum lily program in 2024 – will take over as Arum Lily Blitz coordinator. She will be supported by Ben Howell, who has joined the Nature Conservation team after developing his bushland conservation craft over 20 years across private, local and state government sectors.

Meanwhile, long-term staff member Tracey Muir has stepped down from her role coordinating two of Nature Conservation’s youth education programs – Adopt a Spot and the marine-focussed Waatu Kaatijin program.


Tracey Muir is moving on after many years of committed service

She is leaving to focus on a return to teaching and her role as a Shire of Augusta Margaret River councillor, after making a huge contribution to Nature Conservation for 17 years with her boundless passion and commitment.

New recruit Kathi Galeani has joined the Nature Conservation team and will fill the role of Adopt a Spot coordinator along with other environmental education duties. Kathi grew up in Germany and chose Margaret River as her permanent home in 2002, completing a degree in environmental science to complement a decade’s work as a primary and secondary teacher as well as an artist focused on raising awareness about environmental threats.


Nature Conservation Adopt a Spot officer Kathi Galeani

She says environmental education is one of the most important fields of work and is excited to take the helm of environmental education programs Adopt a Spot and Our Patch.


Nature Conservation’s Waatu Kaatijin officer Chloe Deakin

Meanwhile, Chloe Deakin has been recruited to run the Waatu Kaatijin program, helping students to discover, treasure and act to protect our coast and marine environment.

In other staff news, finance and administration officer Fran Dohring is retiring after many years of faithful and dedicated service at Nature Conservation, doing much of the behind-the-scenes work that is essential to the success of the group. She will be replaced by Wah Bicknell who comes to the group with years of experience and a wide range of administration skills.


Retiring finance and administration officer Fran Dohring

Nature Conservation general manager Drew McKenzie said Genevieve, Tracey and Fran had each made an incredible contribution and would be sorely missed. But he congratulated them on their new roles or new directions, and wished them all the best.

Nature Conservation Margaret River Region staff bios

Wah Bicknell has also joined the Nature Conservation team

He also welcomed new staff members Ben, Kathi, Chloe and Wah, saying it was an exciting time for Nature Conservation with new talent and skills bolstering the passionate, dedicated and experienced team.