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Get your votes in for these awesome artworks, made by the Year 5/6 kids at Augusta Primary School using marine debris collected from our region’s beaches.

Over winter a series of beach clean-ups were organised by young locals Ruth Szandtner, Bronte Halden, Lili Palmer, Vivi Corteen-Hartley and Riley Hughes. They’re among the 12 candidates in our youth marine stewardship program, and these talented youngsters formed a group called Protect The Tide to zero in on reducing and raising awareness about marine debris.

Marine debris becomes art

The collected rubbish from the beach clean-ups was used for an education and awareness campaign at Augusta Primary School, with students using the debris to create ocean-inspired artworks which are being exhibited at the Margaret River HEART – Nala Bardip Mia from October 7-11. Everyone is urged to vote on their favourite work of art, with the winner receiving two free whale-watching tickets from Naturaliste Charters Whale Watching.

 Cast your vote by scanning the QR code below or CLICK HERE.

Marine debris becomes art

Bronte says: “The kids at Augusta Primary School were amazing and engaged really well with all the activities. We couldn’t have done it without their enthusiasm and support! Please vote for your favourite piece and don’t forget to come and see all the artworks displayed at the HEART available from Monday, October 7-11.”

Our youth marine stewardship program is funded by WSL One Ocean and Line in the Sand group, and aims to empower our next generation to run meaningful coastal conservation programs.

Marine debris becomes art