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Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s first conservation busy bee of 2024 will be held this Friday, January 12 from 8am-10am, with volunteers needed to water seedlings to ensure they survive the summer.

Hundreds of locals have helped plant natives at a revegetation site near the banks of the Margaret River on Kevill Road, but a hot, dry summer so far means the young plants need watering.

“Formerly a degraded part of the foreshore, this river reserve site is well on the way towards regenerating into vital riparian habitat with significant ecological restoration works being carried out,” says Nature Conservation’s Lauren Scanlon, who coordinates the Friends of Wooditjup Bilya program.

“In winter of 2023, over 2000 native seedlings were planted as hundreds of volunteers joined together to restore over half a hectare of riparian foreshore habitat.  And now it needs your help this summer.  We’re calling on locals to join us to be part of the restoration and to keep our seedlings thriving through this long hot summer.”

Look for the Nature Conservation signs and meet at the start of the walking track alongside 245 Kevill Rd, and from there it’s a short walk downstream to the planting site. Volunteers are urged to register by following the links at

The Friends of Wooditjup Bilya (Margaret River) gather every month and each free event usually includes a guided excursion followed by hands-on conservation, although the January gathering is solely focussed on the important job of watering.

Ms Scanlon said the monthly gatherings are a fantastic opportunity for locals to learn more about the Margaret River, hosted by cultural custodians, scientists or local experts. “Over the next year we’ll work together along key sites of the Wooditjup Bilya foreshore to regenerate riparian vegetation, restore degraded banks, enhance existing habitats, tackle weeds and mitigate erosion,” she said. “We’ll also connect local people with traditional custodians, scientists, experts and local caretakers who are all caring for country and can offer unique insights into the extraordinary values of this river.”

Among events coming this year are a guided walk focusing on riverbank plants with celebrated author and Nature Conservation ambassador Jane Scott, and a paddle up the river with Margaret River Canoes and Kayaks owner Sarah Palmateer, who has rented equipment and been paddling the Rivermouth for almost two decades.

This program is funded by the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River through the Environmental Management Fund.