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Margaret River now has an incredible new community native garden that is open for everyone to enjoy, while doubling as an educational space for waterwise gardening, growing natives and creating wildlife habitat.

The tranquil, biodiverse and waterwise garden has been completed by Nature Conservation Margaret River Region with the generous assistance of local landscaping firm Backyard Creations and funding from the Water Corporation.

Located at 41 Clarke Road, the new nature space is on the same site and compliments the Margaret River Community Garden, the Margaret River Community Pantry and the Margaret River Regional Environment Centre headquarters, adjacent to Montessori Primary School whose students also use the site.

“This community native demonstration garden is all about showcasing our amazing local native plants and how they can be used in your garden to create visual interest and diversity of habitats,” says Peta Lierich, who runs Nature Conservation’s For Nature Landholder Stewardship Program which spearheaded the garden project.

“It promotes the ‘plant local’ ethos and it’s a real win for the community. The groundworks, planting and landscaping is done and the next step is interpretive signage which will give local residents some inspiration and knowledge to put into practice in their own backyards!”

Backyard Creations helped out with manpower and expertise on the concept and design, site preparation and works, water management, landscaping and mulching. “We’re really excited to be involved because we’ve been a big supporter of Nature Conservation over the years and this is a local project which the community will reap the rewards from for years to come,” says Backyard Creations’ Sonya Lees. “This site has so much potential and it’s great to show off the many benefits of planting local natives.” Backyard Creations managing director Steve Bolesta said he was “always happy to give to a great cause because nature needs all the help it can get”.

Margaret River Regional Environment Centre spokeswoman Tracy Skippings said that new native garden was “fantastic” and meant 41 Clarke Rd was now a major community hub. “We’re really thrilled. Our environment centre had the site and the space, and the opportunity to team up with Nature Conservation came up. It’s an asset to this site and a massive asset to the whole community,” she says.

Nature Conservation says planting natives is vital to support biodiversity, provide homes and food for native birds, butterflies, frogs and other animals, and to help these animals move between bushland.

“The plants that belong here are easy to care for. They are also used to our hot, dry summers and cool, wet winters. Generally, they need less water, less fertiliser, pesticides and less pruning than exotic plants, so they can save you money and leave you more time to enjoy your garden,” says Ms Lierich.

“Local native plants, unlike some exotic species commonly used in home gardens, are also unlikely to become weeds in local bushland, parks and reserves.

“When you add local native plants to your garden you also bring the beauty and variety of our world-renowned flora closer to home where you can enjoy it all year round!”

For Nature is proudly supported by funding from the West Australian Government’s State Natural Resources Management Program, the Water Corporation and the Shire of Augusta Margaret River. Registering with For Nature is free and comes with benefits including free equipment hire, workshops, grants and resources. See