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Nature Conservation Margaret River Region’s Environmental Sundowner Series is returning on February 13 with an evening at the Margaret River HEART that puts the spotlight on our local marine environment.

Beyond The Waves: Margaret River’s Unique Marine Environment will include talks by three expert speakers followed by an audience Q&A to kickstart the conservation about our amazing local marine environment, how we enjoy it and how to best care for it into the future.

Already confirmed is Dr Tim Langlois (pictured) from University of WA’s Oceans Institute and School of Biological Sciences, and David Lierich who has worked for the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions as a marine park ranger for 17 years and is the acting Ngari Capes Marine Park coordinator. Meanwhile, Undalup Association’s Zac Webb will kick the evening off by sharing the deep connection of the Wadandi people to the Great Southern Reef, of which the Margaret River region’s coastline is part of. An extended Q&A panel discussion will follow.

See for tickets, which include a light supper and a free drink on entry and are $15 for Nature Conservation members or $25 for non-members.

“The evening will be a celebration of our stunning marine environment. It’s a great chance for anyone who swims at the beach, uses the coast, or has an interest in fishing, diving or our unique marine life to come along, learn more, be part of the conversation and hear some insights from these great expert speakers,” says Nature Conservation’s Environmental Sundowner Series organiser Jodie Passmore.

Dr Tim Langlois has studied our marine biodiversity for more than 20 years and his research has delved into finding balance in our interactions with the environment, often with a focus on marine parks. He works in collaboration with traditional owners to inform the management of our linked sea and land systems.

Meanwhile, David Lierich has been fortunate enough to work in some spectacular marine parks across the state including at Ningaloo, Shark Bay, the Montebello Islands and more recently in our region’s Ngari Capes Marine Park, enjoying the operational aspects of marine park management such as vessel patrols, scuba diving and marine wildlife monitoring and management.

This event is the fifth in Nature Conservation’s series of informal sundowner evenings which kicked off in 2022, bringing expert speakers to our region. Nature Conservation chair Dr Ann Ward said: “Living here comes with a responsibility to be an informed community who can learn together how to best care for where we live and how we can contribute to the wellbeing of the natural world.”