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The region’s peak conservation group has applauded the efforts of three amazing youngsters who prove you can never be too young to do your bit for the environment.

Frankie and Floyd Smith, both 10, and their younger sister Pearl, 8, teamed up to raise almost $400 for conservation with their stall at the recent Edible Gardens Festival. The trio sold homemade cakes, chai and bath bombs at Garden 1 on the festival’s program, and the cute kids were a huge hit with festival-goers who flocked to their stall.

In total, they raised just under $400 to donate to Nature Conservation Margaret River Region and to Bush Heritage Australia. The idea for the stall was theirs, and the youngsters also decided which not-for-profit groups they wanted the funds to go to.

“Our environment is really important, so we need to do what we can to help look after it,” says Frankie.

The trio’s parents, Anthony and Katie Smith, run local wastewater and compost loo business Water Wally and their garden featured on the festival program.

Anthony says he couldn’t be prouder of the kids’ generosity to donate the money and determination to play a part in helping our local environment. “What a ripper of a weekend. Our home garden was open as a contribution to the Edible Gardens Festival over the weekend, and it was a massive turnout,” says Anthony. “There were hundreds of keen gardeners, some of which had travelled a long way to be here, all coming along to join the festivities, visit the gardens, share ideas and be a part of it all. I was so proud of my legendary kids for putting on a cake and chai stall and raising almost $400 for the two not-for-profit organisations that they’ve chosen. Although the credit for setting up the stall goes to the kids, the credit for making the cakes and chai goes to my legendary Katie.”

Nature Conservation general manager Drew McKenzie praised the efforts and said it was a testament to how much the next generation cares for and prioritises nature and conservation. “Well done to everyone involved and a special thanks to Frankie, Floyd and Pearl,” he said. Drew congratulated the youngsters this week when they dropped in to the Nature Conservation office to hand over the money from their fundraising efforts, and they were given several books on conservation as a thank-you.

Edible Gardens Festival organiser Trevor Paddenburg also congratulated the youngsters and said the funds couldn’t go to a better cause. “There’s a massive overlap between growing food and caring for nature, because both involve caring for the soil and the plants and animals that rely on them. What an inspiration!”