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The arrival of winter rains means time to plant natives and Nature Conservation Margaret River Region (NCMRR) has two community planting days this weekend – with volunteers needed.

On Saturday, June 11 from 1pm-3pm, Nature Conservation and the Friends of Barrett Street Reserve host a planting session around the new rock work at Barrett St Weir. Meet at the Barrett Street Weir car park at the end of Barrett St, Margaret River.

“We’re urging anyone in the community to come and help out. We’ll be caring for important remnant bushland and wildlife habitat,” said Nature Conservation’s Friends of Reserves Officer Jodie Passmore. “It’s also a great opportunity to build community, have fun, get into the great outdoors, and learn about our local biodiversity – and how to protect it!”. Morning or afternoon tea and equipment is provided. Register your interest for either planting day by emailing

Meanwhile, on Sunday, June 12 from 10am-12noon, Nature Conservation in collaboration with the Friends of Gracetown and Cowaramup Bay are tackling a session of planting and brushing at North Point, Cowaramup Bay. Again, community volunteers are vital.

“North Point is beloved by locals and visitors alike, in particular for its powerful right hand surf break and stunning natural setting. But due to its popularity, a maze of confusing trails has been created, with native plants trampled and impacts on wildlife that depend on them,” said Nature Conservation Coastal Officer Mandy Edwards.

“North Point needs some care to nurture it back to its former glory. Brushing will help close redundant trails and help provide a clear pathway to the beach and surf. And planting with local native plants will help reinstate the biodiversity to this special part of the coastline. It’s a great chance to give back to the coast you love and enjoy!”

Morning tea is provided and volunteers can meet at the top gravel car park above North Point on Cowaramup Bay Road. Register your interest by emailing Volunteers at all three conservation events are urged to bring water, sun protection, covered clothing and shoes, and gloves if you have them. Find out more at