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Arum Lily Blitz

Arum lily is the most widespread, destructive weed in the Margaret River region – but we’re fighting back. 

This species is an incredibly vigorous weed in our region, and without control would continue to spread. Coordinated, concerted and sustained action is required to manage this species to protect biodiversity, agricultural and landscape values. Arum lilies:

– Aggressively outcompete native plants and replaces beautiful, diverse plant communities with dense arum lily monocultures

Reduce food availability and habitat for native wildlife

– Are poisonous to most stock, pets and people

Affect farmers’ livelihoods by endangering their animals and competing with pasture plants

– Threaten the natural beauty and biodiversity on which the Margaret River region’s reputation and economy hinges 

A community-wide effort to control arums

Nature Conservation’s Arum Lily Blitz began in 2019, funded by the Western Australian Government’s State Nature Resource Management Program. Since that time local and state government agencies, active community organisations, and more than 1500 landholders have worked to control arum lily on public and private land across the region.  

Motivating and supporting shared management by landowners, volunteers and government agencies across thousands of hectares is a huge challenge. But we’re excited by the progress that has been made over several years – it is an inspiring whole of community effort and we’ve made great progress so far! 

    Why join the Blitz

    The Blitz is a long-term campaign and there is still a lot of work needed. Please join us in controlling the most widespread, damaging weed in our beautiful region! 

    Whether you own a large rural property, a bush block, or a house in the suburbs, we’re inviting everyone to get involved. We ask that you register as a participant in the Blitz so we can let you know about assistance available, keep you informed on progress, and so we can track where arum lily control is being undertaken. This allows us to recruit other properties in your area, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of reinfestation. It also demonstrates participant numbers to our funding bodies, helping our chances of future funding for ongoing work.

    How to control arum lilies

    The best time to control arum lily is when 50-70 per cent of the plants are in flower. In our area that is usually from August to October.

    Free herbicide and instructional videos on arum control 

    If you plan to undertake arum lily spraying yourself we can help by providing free herbicide and instructions for use of chlorsulfuron for arum lily control

    Please also watch the video on how to spray arum lilies to ensure that you undertake the work in a way that minimises risks to yourself and the environment. 

    If you prefer to outsource the job, we now have a Bush Regeneration Team who can be contracted to carry out spraying and arum control. Our team are experienced, thorough, careful and know the region intimately. 

    Record your progress with arum lily control 

    We ask that you provide us with data on the spraying you do so that we can track progress and evaluate the success of the Blitz. The Herbicide Application Record can be used by you or your spray contractor to record the work done. Please email us a copy of this form each year! 

    If you plan on removing arum lilies by hand rather than spraying, make sure you watch this handy video and follow the links to learn more

    We recommend that you monitor the success of your control work by taking some before and after photos. There is information about this and more in our Guide to Arum Lily Control


    Community Resource Centre
    33 Tunbridge Street
    Margaret River WA 6285

    Postal Address

    PO Box 1749 
Margaret River WA. 6285

    Contact Us

    Phone: (08) 9757 2202